Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 3

For my Day 3 of 17 Days to Make a Difference I made dinner for everyone-the dinner was spaghetti on toast. Mum was not there so it was left all up to me. I thought I would be a bit creative so I decided to make dessert as well.

I had to get my brothers in the shower first though so I got them to get in the shower while I created mounds of spaghetti on toast.

They raced up there as soon as they smelt the delicious spaghetti. As only boys could they wolfed it down in about 2 mins and I haven't even made dessert yet!

I decided tomake dessert before I had even made my own food. Guess what it was? BANANA SPLIT

I know they were thankful because Dad said thank you and gave me a kiss on the cheek and Owen, Daisy and Stef said that it wasdelicious and that I should do it every night.

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